Vibratory Finishing VS Centrifugal Barrel Finishing

September 23, 2021

Vibratory Finishing VS Centrifugal Barrel Finishing

As manufacturing technology becomes more advanced, different techniques for finishing have emerged. Two common finishing techniques are vibratory finishing and centrifugal barrel finishing. Although they both serve the same purpose, they have distinct differences that make them more suitable for certain applications.

Vibratory Finishing

Vibratory finishing is a surface treatment process that uses a mixture of abrasive material, water, and compound to deburr, polish, or clean metal or plastic parts. The process involves putting the parts into a vibratory finishing machine, where vibration energy causes the abrasive media to rub against the parts' surface, resulting in a smoother and more polished finish. The process is ideal for finishing mass-produced parts with complex shapes.

Advantages of Vibratory Finishing

  • Can handle parts of different shapes and sizes
  • Can finish complex shapes and features
  • No part-on-part contact that may cause damage
  • Can finish large batches of parts at once (up to hundreds of thousands)
  • Low cost compared to other finishing techniques

Disadvantages of Vibratory Finishing

  • Requires longer processing times compared to other techniques
  • Requires frequent media and compound replacement

Centrifugal Barrel Finishing

Centrifugal barrel finishing is a mechanical finishing technique that uses a spinning barrel to rotate the parts at high speed. The process involves putting the parts, along with abrasive media and finishing compound, into the barrel, which spins at high speed. The centrifugal force generated causes the media to rub against the parts' surface, creating a polished and smooth finish. The technique is ideal for finishing parts with sharp edges and corners.

Advantages of Centrifugal Barrel Finishing

  • Fast processing times (up to 30 minutes per batch)
  • Perfect for parts with sharp edges and corners
  • No part-on-part contact that may cause damage
  • Highly effective for polishing and smoothing surfaces

Disadvantages of Centrifugal Barrel Finishing

  • Not suitable for large batches of parts
  • Limited to parts that can fit inside the barrel
  • Higher maintenance cost due to the wear and tear of barrel parts


Both vibratory finishing and centrifugal barrel finishing are effective finishing techniques commonly used in the manufacturing industry. The choice between the two depends on the type of part being finished and the desired outcome. Vibratory finishing is ideal for large batches of complex-shaped parts that do not require sharp edges and corners. On the other hand, centrifugal barrel finishing is the better choice for parts that require a high degree of polishing and have sharp edges and corners.


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